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Street Ministry

Please note that our West Side meeting location has changed!

 Then He said to his disciples,  "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." 

What is Street Ministry?

The street ministry is the genesis and heart of Mean Street. On Monday and Tuesday nights we go to the streets and motels to meet those in need. It's a real and tangible way for you to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Large Groups

If you have a group of five or more people please contact us with your numbers and where your group is from at least a day before you plan on serving with us so that we can accomodate you.  No groups of middle school age or younger, please.  Use the form below or call the office at (303) 232-2500 and ask for Todd.


We do cancel our street ministry very occasionally, typically due to severe weather.  If we have your contact information, we will do our best to let you know by call or text.  If we don't have your contact information, or you are unsure, call the office @ (303) 232-2500 before 3 PM.

Thank you. We'll be in touch.

Monday at 6pm

East Colfax                                     

Aurora Medical Center Pharmacy 

750 Potomac St. 

Aurora, CO 80011             

Tuesday at 6pm

West Colfax                                          
King Soopers Parking Lot
1555 Quail St
Lakewood, CO 80215
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