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 Then He said to his disciples,"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." 

The Genesis and heart of Mean Street. Start here! On Monday and Tuesday nights we gather as a community of believers to reach out to the lost.

This simple necessity is also a great opportunity to share the love of Christ. Volunteers have the opportunity to chat with guests and help organize and maintain our Food Bank stock.

Our street ministry is blessed by many who work behind the scenes to get our van ready, pick up and deliver supplies, and deliver food to those we meet.


Showers are now open!  Help us serve the community by giving the gift of dignity to our clients.

Guests at the Café are treated to a home-cooked meal, nutritious smoothies, coffee, and snacks, along with great conversation, a friendly atmosphere, and a listening ear.

Help us show the love of Christ to those who come into our office looking for help. Answer our phone, listen to and pray with our clients and be involved in our care plan.


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Have you ever seen someone begging in a parking lot, at your church, or on a street corner?  Have you ever given them money?  Do you know where that money is going?  It could be going to basic necessities, but that's unlikely.  Most will be spent on alcohol, drugs, or even passed to a gang as "rent" for use of the street corner.  Mean Street knows the street culture and we do everything we can to keep from enabling our clients.  Let us be the custodians of your generosity.  Please give responsibly.

at Colorado Gives


Mean Street Ministry seeks to see lives transformed by compassionately serving people in need.






Mean Street Ministry

1380 Ammons St. #3

Lakewood, CO 80214

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